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Our Mission

To serve the less fortunate in our community with the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, and emergency assistance with rent and utilities to keep individuals and families from becoming homeless.


The Help Office is celebrating our 50th Anniversary during 2022. The Help Office was created as a cooperative, non-profit organization in 1972 by an ecumenical group of churches the need to provide effective referral to community agencies as well as provide emergency assistance to the less fortunate. The agreement was for churches in Daviess County to finance the organization as well as provide volunteers. The Help Office is solely funded by the generosity of churches, organizations, schools, individuals, grants and foundations in our community.

The Help Office strives to give families a helping hand, empowering them to rise above the immediate crisis with the sense of dignity. We provide hope, encouragement and stability as we build a stronger, healthier community.