CLIENTS MAY CALL 270-685-4971, INTERVIEW VIA PHONE. If your call is not answered, please leave a message and include your name (spell name), your date of birth, and your phone number. Someone will return your call within 2 business days. DO NOT LEAVE MORE THAN ONE MESSAGE. THIS SLOWS DOWN THE TURNAROUND TIME FOR YOUR APPLICATION.
If you need financial assistance with a utility bill contact your utility company and give the Help Office persmission to call and verify the amount owed. This will expedite the applicaton process.
Food Pantry
Hunger and food insecurity are major issues in our community. The Help Office has been providing Food Assistance to the less fortunate in Daviess County for over 50 years.
Our Food Assistance provides clients with foods that improve and maintain their health! We strive to provide seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, canned fruits and vegetables, frozen meats such as chicken, tuna, peanut butter, and more. Personal care items such as toilet tissue, soap, and toiletries are included, as assistance programs like SNAP, also known as food stamps, don’t cover such daily essentials.
The amount of food shared is based on family size, and is estimated to last families for five days or longer. Clients are eligible for Food Assistance every four weeks.
To receive food call 270-685-4971 or visit us at 1316 West Fourth Street.
Financial Assistance
The Help Office can provide financial assistance for the following:
- Rent Assistance (must have eviction notice) (every 6 months)
- Utility Assistance (must have disconnect notice)(every 6 months)
- Driver’s License/ID
- Gas Vouchers (once a year)
- Automotive Repairs (when funding is available)
Apply For Assistance
To apply for financial assistance, call us at 270-685-4971. Financial assistance is based on the individual needs of each client.
You must live in Daviess County in order to be eligible for assistance.
Clothing Closet
Through our Clothing Closet, we provide clothing, shoes, and so much more. Many clients that visit our Clothing Closet are moving into an apartment and need household items, including sheets, towels, pots and pans, skillets, dishware, silverware, etc.
Personal & Feminine Hygiene Products
Diapers & Wipes
Homeless Supplies (Backpacks, food, blankets, socks, clothing)
Medical Services
Vision Exams & Glasses
Dental Exams (18 years and older)
Referral Services
When appropriate, we refer clients to other public and private agencies which provide counseling, shelter, or other types of assistance.
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